HPP and PSHPP Electricity Generation
With its carbon-free electricity generation by using water, which one of the key renewable energy sources (RES), NEK EAD contributes to the ambitious goals of Bulgaria and the European Union towards climate neutrality achievement.
By its hydro power generation Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD is the largest producer of electricity from renewable sources in Bulgaria.
NEK EAD owns 31 hydro power plants (28 HPPs and 3 PSHPPs) with total installed capacities of 2737 MW in turbine mode and 931 MW in pumping mode.
The main electricity generation is provided by hydro power plants grouped in four hydro power cascades: Belmeken - Sestrimo – Chaira Hydro Power Complex, Batak Cascade, Dospat-Vacha Cascade and Arda Cascade.
NEK EAD is of crucial importance for ensuring the country's electricity security. Its large hydro power plants play a significant role in the Electric Power System (EPS) regulation and control. They are the main regulating capacities in Bulgaria. They balance the NPP and TPP operation, the variable loads of solar and wind power plants, as well as households demand. Their main advantages are that they ensure flexibility in the EPS regulation and reliable control of peak load fluctuations, safety and quick response as replacing capacities in case of other capacities emergency shutdown, as well as primary and secondary control of frequency and capacities exchange and voltage control.
By its hydro power capacities, NEK EAD actively participates in the regulated market, the non-regulated market and the balancing market, as well as in the EPS regulation and control in our country.
With the energy generated by its hydro power plants, Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD guarantees the security of supplies on the regulated market for the end suppliers in order to meet the demand of households and business consumers connected to the low voltage grid. The Company also trades on the non-regulated market at all platforms of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX).
NEK’s HPPs and PSHPPs are major players in the balancing market by their quick response capacities and a wide range of coverage.
With the development of the non-regulated market, NEK’s commitments as a Public Supplier of electricity for the regulated market will decrease, which will enable the optimal use of the HPP and PSHPP capacities on the non-regulated market.
Technical Parameters of NEK’s HPPs and PSHPPs

NEK EAD applies an integrated management system (IMS) in accordance with the standards BDS EN ISO 9001:2015, BDS EN ISO 14001:2015 and BDS ISO 45001:2018 in the following scope “Construction and commissioning of HPPs, PSHPPs and Hydraulic Facilities. Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Facilities. Production of electricity by HPPs and PSHPPs. Public supply of electricity. Electricity trading and a standard balancing group coordinator. Electricity supply from a supplier of last resort (SLR) and a special balancing group coordinator. Decommissioning of Hydraulic Facilities, HPPs and PSHPPs.”
Management policy statement on quality, environment and health and safety at work.