Access Procedure to the Sites within NEK’s Infrastructure
Electricity generation is of strategic importance to the national security, which requires ensuring of organizational and technical measures for access control to the strategic sites and areas in the generation infrastructure of Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD.
The strategic sites and areas within NEK’s structure are determined in accordance with the Rules for Implementation of the Law on the State Agency for National Security and pursuant to the Council of Ministers’ Decree № 181/20.07.2009 on determination of sites and activities of strategic importance to the national security.
In the cases of one-time visit necessity during working hours to strategic areas of a strategic site, the representatives of external entities (contractors, participants in public procurements, etc.) shall get an Order for one-time access issued by NEK EAD. The order is valid for particular strategic areas of strategic sites and is valid for a specific date. A copy of the one-time access order is sent to the applicant and to the head of the strategic areas.
In order to obtain a one-time access permit, it is necessary to submit an application at the file department of NEK EAD at least 2 (two) working days before the scheduled visit date (or send the application to the e-mail address indicated in the application form), specifying the following: visit purpose, date, area/s, sites and /or sub-sites of the respective strategic site, person/s and vehicle with necessary data.
For the fulfillment of a specific task assigned under a contract concluded with NEK EAD, the physical persons (employees) of external entities who need multiple visits of strategic sites or areas, must obtain a Permit under Art. 40, para. 1, item 2 of the Rules for Implementation of the Law on SANS, issued by the State Agency for National Security (SANS) within the statutory term.
In order to obtain a permit from SANS for a specific task fulfillment, the head of the external entity (contractor of NEK EAD) shall submit a written request (within the term specified in the contract) to the Executive Director of NEK EAD, indicating the subject of the relevant contract and the names of the physical persons (employees) who will perform the task specifically assigned under the contract in the respective strategic areas of the strategic sites.
The request shall be accompanied by a set of documents for conducting an investigation, in accordance with Art. 44 of Rules for Implementation of the Law on SANS, with information about the physical persons, as follows: completed questionnaire, criminal record, document for lack of pre-trial or court proceedings against the person for crimes of general nature, issued by the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria, and a certificate of absence of mental illness.
In case SANS refuses to issue a permit to a person (persons) or to an external entity for the performance of a specific assigned task in strategic areas of strategic sites, the persons will not be admitted to the territory of the relevant site.
Visits for excursions to strategic sites are organized by the International Cooperation & Public Relations Department of NEK EAD, and the routes are agreed in advance with the Security Department of NEK EAD. The order and requirements for access to the sites are identical to those mentioned above for a one-time visit.
At the entrance of the site, the physical persons who have obtained the respective access permit shall provide a copy to the security guard, who will check their identity, certified by an identity card /passport.
Information on the statute of the sites and/or the areas within NEK’s infrastructure is indicated in the respective public procurement documentation and/or in the contract signed.
If you need some further information, please contact the experts from the Security Department via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.