About us

The power sector is an industry of high national significance and we are proud to be part of it.
Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK EAD) was incorporated in late 1991 and over the years it has established its position in the power industry and the economy of the Republic of Bulgaria. The mission of NEK EAD is to provide safe, efficient and uninterrupted power supply.
NEK EAD is a sole-owner joint-stock company. Since 2008 the capital of NEK is held by Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD.
The main businesses of NEK EAD include electricity generation and trading. The Company is managed by a three-member Board of Directors.
NEK EAD is the biggest producer of electricity from renewable sources in Bulgaria
The Company lies at the heart of the electric power system of Bulgaria, producing electricity at 31 hydro-power and pumped storage hydro-power plants, with a total installed generating capacity of 2737 MW and pumping capacity of 931 MW. The flexible generation facilities of the company have a key role in ensuring security of supply and reliability and security of the grid system of Bulgaria. With its hydroelectric power the company contributes to the country’s renewable targets in the total energy balance.
NEK EAD operates one of the largest dams and hydropower schemes in the country, applying stringent requirements on their O&M safety and efficiency. The total capacity of the dam reservoirs operated by NEK EAD represents 55% of the total controlled water resources in the Republic of Bulgaria.
NEK EAD invests intensively in
The rehabilitation and modernization of its HPP and PSHPPs. The investments are intended to improve the reliability and efficiency of the power plants so as to increase the share of renewable electricity output and utilize efficiently the hydropower potential of the country.
NEK EAD is an active player in the electricity market in Bulgaria
NEK EAD has a longstanding experience in the electricity market in Bulgaria. NEK EAD will perform licensed activities of public significance until final liberalization of the market. At the free market the company trades on the platforms of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) and effects sales intended to meet specific needs of final electricity customers. NEK operates on the regional electricity markets and has the capacity and experience to do cross-border trading in electricity.
Deliver excellent performance for its customers and reliable partner to its trading and contracting counterparts
NEK has established long-term relations with electricity consumers, producers and traders and its contracting parties. In the electricity trading, the company is guided by market-oriented principles based on open, transparent and non-discriminatory practices.
NEK EAD has opportunities to trade in guarantees of origin
By its renewable electricity output NEK trades in guarantees of origin.
Our team
The employees of NEK are the most important asset of the company. NEK provides opportunities for professional development and has highly qualified professionals. Building upon its nearly 30 years of experience in the electricity sector, NEK will continue to anticipate and adapt to changes in faster and smarter ways, remaining at the cutting edge of technology and asset management, innovating more sustainable energy solutions.