Buyer profile
Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD in its capacity as a Public Procurement Contracting Authority in the Energy Sector notifies all interested parties, candidates and participants in procedures that according to the provisions of the Public Procurement Act, as of 14.06.2020 the Company switches to electronic public procurement awarding through the developed and implemented Centralized Automated Information System for Electronic Public Procurement (CAIS EPP) - https://app.eop.bg/today
The profile of Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD in CAIS EPP is available at the following address: https://app.eop.bg/buyer/21310
In order to comply with the legal provisions related to the changed rules and the introducing of technological solutions in the public procurement process and for ensuring of smooth transition to fully electronic public procurement, respectively participation, it is necessary that all future candidates and participants, as well as their partners - subcontractors and third parties within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act, must have a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES), issued by a qualified certification service provider, for participation in public procurements through CAIS EPP.
Information on qualified certification service providers in the European Union is available at the following address: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/tl-browser/#/
So that the end users of the system may acquire new operational skills, experts from the Public Procurement Agency provide assistance during users’ registration, as well as technical assistance during their operations in the system. The Public Procurement Agency maintains up-to-date information on the Public Procurement Portal in the following sections:
"CAIS - Frequently Asked Questions" - https://www2.aop.bg/cais-eop-questions/
CAIS EPP – Up-To-Date - https://www2.aop.bg/cais-eop-aktualno/