In pursuance of Art. 36a of the Energy Act, NEK EAD is obliged to announce its intention to change the prices it applies when performing its licensed activities for the next price regulatory period, starting from 01.07.2020.

The price at which the Company, as a Public Supplier, sells electricity to the End Suppliers is a function of the following components:

  • Electricity quantities requested by the End Suppliers for consumption needs;
  • Capacity availability for electricity generation of the producers from which the Public Supplier buys electricity, as well as electricity quantities for which the Public Supplier concludes deals with the End Suppliers, which are determined by EWRC in accordance with Art. 21, para. 1, it. 21 of the Energy Act (EA);
  • Prices of the producers, regulated by EWRC under art. 30, para. 1, it. 1 of the Energy Act;
  • Estimated market price by producer groups, determined by EWRC for each regulatory period;
  • Compensations provided by the Energy System Security Fund, determined by EWRC.

Currently, NEK EAD does not have complete information on the price forming components for the next regulatory period, therefore it cannot assess the level of the price at which the Public Supplier will sell electricity to the End Suppliers.