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Notification of investment intention

Pursuant to Article 95, para. 1 of the Environmental Protection Act and Article 4, para. 1 of the Ordinance on the Conditions and Procedure for carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD informs all affected parties that it has an investment intention for the construction of a rooftop photovoltaic power plant in a landed property, located in Plovdiv Region, city of Plovdiv, 244 Vasil Levski Street, with identifier No. 56784.504.1232.

COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2022/1854 of 6 October 2022 on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices

Council Regulation (EU) 2022/1854 on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices was published on 6 October 2022. The purpose of the Regulation is to take measures to address high electricity prices resulting from increased natural gas prices, shortfalls in electricity generation from nuclear power plants, limited generation from hydropower plants and increased consumption. Rising prices in wholesale electricity markets have led to a sharp increase in retail electricity prices in the EU. Due to the need for a rapid and coordinated response at Union level, Regulation (EU) 2022/1854 has been adopted to encourage, support and provide guidance to Member States on appropriate coordinated measures to reduce electricity demand. Reducing demand at national level can have a positive impact on electricity prices across the Union, as electricity markets are linked and savings in one Member State also benefit other Member States. Member States should therefore aim to reduce their total gross electricity consumption by all consumers.

COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2022/1854 of 6 October 2022 on an emergency intervention to address high energy prices

List of electricity traders with arrears to the Public Supplier for the "obligation to society" price

Trading participants with obligation to society liabilities

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